From an early age we are jostling for position and possession, intuitively creating some form of hierarchy among our family and friends. Who is most important? Who is Mum’s favourite? Or Dad’s favourite? Who do we like the least, who do we like the best? We create little clubs in our tree houses where we can decide who is “in” and who is “out”. Who can climb the ladder and who will be left at the bottom. We are obsessed with status wherever we go, even from a young age.
Read MoreIt is always intriguing to me to reflect on the ways we present ourselves to others. Many of us have a deep desire to be a certain kind of person, an ideal of the kind of person we want to be; whether it be outgoing, hardworking, funny, creative, capable, successful and so on. But for all of us (unless you happen to be the exception) there is at least some gap between the person we are and the person we wish to be. Our ideal version of ourselves, and the real version that we actually have to live with.
Read MoreWe might not be enslaved by an ancient empire, but in a strange way we are still subject to the demands, pressures and expectations of production and consumption. Rest is the thing we look forward to in hope rather than live out of. So while it might sound aspirational to live from a place of rest, it is usually much harder in practice. And even more so for those on the margins who have little resources and for whom rest is an unlikely luxury.
Read MoreDespite being able to accomplish more than we ever thought possible, we’re a society that is burning out. Our environment is suffering under the weight of our collective neglect. Our demand for resources outstrips the supply. Anxiety appears to be more widespread than ever.
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